Learning Goal: I’m working on a public health project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
Please provide a summary of the methods that you are planning to complete for your group project (this assigment needs to be completed individually) – If possible please bring what you have for the methods to our next class, Thursday Sept 22nd, to discuss it as a group. However, kee p in mind that the CANVAS submission for this assigment is DUE on Sunday Oct 25th at 11:59pm.
Follow similar structure that you have read in the articles you already read, please use the following genereal outline to organize your methodology section:
1) Overview and Study Design: describe the overall goal of the study and study desing (e.g. cross-sectional study).
Example:”The overall goal of this study is to examine the use of e-cigs among community college students and to investigate exposure to the chemicals present in e-cig aerosols. The proposed study has a cross-sectional design with three major aims (hypotheses) and one exploratory aim”
2) Study population and recruitment strategy:
Example: “In order to measure the e-cig use, risk, knowledge, and attitudes among college students in Southern California, we will recruit 400 students from five different campuses. Inclusion criteria: students must be 18 – 24 years of age and be enrolled in classes at full- or part-time during this study. The age group we are assesing is 18-24 years of age. Since all the community colleges collaborating in this study are minority-serving institutions (MSI), we are expecting to have an ethnically diverse group of participants in our studied population. Participants will be screened based on e-cig use (n=200 users and n=200 nonusers). Recruitment will be conducted through advertisements in local and school newspapers, Craigslist, social media platforms such as Facebook, on campus tabling events, schools’ listserv email, colleges’ social clubs, and posted flyers on all four campuses.”
3) Explain how and what tool/instrument will be used to collect specific data (here I also want to see a link to your survey in case you already have one such as your google form survey)
Example: “A questionnaire will be administered in English by a trained research assistant to collect participant’s demographics and environmental characteristics such as home square footage, number of rooms….[note: one questionnaire can be divided into a few sections to cover different topics/hyptheses]. In addition, participants will be asked to record daily use of e-cig in the home and at work in an online diary using Qualtrics (Qualtrics.com), or on paper, or mobile devices depending on participants’ preference. Research assistants will send text and email reminders with phone calls as needed, to prompt completion of diary entries. Also, a e-cig validated depence sutvey developed by Penn State (link) will be administered to determine participant’s addiction to e-cig.”
4) Data analyses – How are you planning to analyze the collected data:
Example: “The collected data will be recorded and managed in Qualtrics/Excel software. Descriptive statistics will be conducted for the entire data to summarize all variables and risk factors in relation to e-cig, cannabis, cigarette use. We will also compare differences in proportions using a Chi-square tests. We will utilize logistic regression models to examine factors associated with ENDS use among community college students”
Example: “in order to measure the e-cig use, risk, knowledge, and attitudes among college students in southern california, we will recruit 400 students from five different campuses.
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Example: “in order to measure the e-cig use, risk, knowledge, and attitudes among college students in southern california, we will recruit 400 students from five different campuses.
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