Explore inclusion in education in relation to SEND and use examples to show how this can be successful.

Feb 15, 2024

Explore inclusion in education in relation to SEND and use examples to show how this can be successful.


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Explore inclusion in education in relation to SEND and use examples to show how this can be successful.
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Part 1 Explore inclusion in education in relation to SEND and use examples to show how this can be successful.
Part 2 Explain intersectionality and demonstrate the relationship with SEND.

Important Notes:
This will be one portfolio in two parts.
You will need to use theory taught across the module to support your work.
Weighting 100% in total
Total word count 3000
You are required to submit one portfolio via Turnitin. The Turnitin link will be available closer to the time via Moodle. This assignment is on one Word document only.
There will be support on Moodle for your assessment. We will engage in writing activities in the seminar sessions where a mix of peer and seminar lead activities will be used.

Part 1 Explore inclusion in education in relation to SEND and use examples to show how this can be successful.
You will need to define important terminology such as inclusion and SEND. You will need to make links to important legislation and the values of policy. You will need to ensure you have explored this from different perspectives such as from the social or medical models of disability. It will be important to consider human rights and equality when demonstrating ways that we can ensure inclusive practices are successful.

Introduction (Approx. 250 words) Start your work by explaining what inclusion is. You will want to define this and use academic sources to support this definition. You will then want to define SEND and again use academic sources to support this. You will briefly signpost the reader to the key areas of discussion in your work that explore the links between inclusion and SEND.  For this it may be that you introduce the concept of models of disability, human rights and equality.

Main (Approx. 1000 words) As you enter into discussions here about the key areas you are discussing you will want to show your understanding of models of disability. You will need to mainly focus on the social and medical models but should show there are other models that can be considered. It is important to show how inclusion for CYP with SEND may look different according to the model you are exploring. This helps you to show a range of perspectives and is the start of criticality in your writing. You will want to show the pros and cons of understanding inclusion and SEND from both of the key models of disability. This will automatically lead you to consider equality and human rights and you are likely to want to introduce one or two topics from taught sessions in your writing. These topics will be dependent on the point you want to make within your discussion. This will be supported from the reading you explore in the taught sessions but also from your own research and findings.
When exploring your own reading make sure you use authentic and reliable sources. The library is a good source and there is support available to help you with your searches. You are likely to use websites for some information. However, these are not always reliable. They are often writing to a specific audience and therefore will often offer a skewed perspective. Therefore, it is important that you consider this information carefully and critique it in relation to its purpose. We will discuss this during our sessions for further clarity.
You will want to use a limited number of examples to show how the theory, legislation or policy you are explaining relates to practice. For example, what the medical model of disability may look like in relation to decision making on support for a CYP with SEND. These may be real examples you have experienced in practice; observed in your own settings as students or you may have used examples form literature. Ensure the examples used demonstrate the key point you are explaining and that you have made this explicit.
Conclusion (Approx. 250 words) You should summarise the key parts you have written about here and make links to the introductory paragraph. Do not introduce any new literature or examples here. Consider the ‘so what’ of the discussion you have had so far. Draw together the key points and remind the reader of the key arguments.

Part 2 Explain intersectionality and show the relationship with SEND.
You will need to define important terminology such as intersectionality and other key terms you intend to explore in this section. However you will not need to define SEND as you will already have done this. You must make the links between intersectionality and SEND clear. You will need to make links to important theories, legislation and policy. You will want to ensure you have used theory to show how the relationship between SEND and other social groups are entwined and the impact on the educational experiences of the individual concerned.
Introduction (Approx. 250 words) Start your work by explaining what intersectionality is. You will want to define this and use academic sources to support this definition. You will then want to explain why you are relating this to SEND specifically and again use academic sources to support this. You will briefly signpost the reader to the key areas of discussion in your work that explore the links between intersectionality and SEND and you will include references to the key theories you use to do this.
Main (Approx. 1000 words) As you enter into discussions here about the key areas you are discussing you will want to show your understanding of the relationship between different groups of people as defined by societal constructs and how these will impact upon the understanding of individual with SEND and the decisions made about them in education. It is important to discuss these rather than describe the impact. You need to write from differing viewpoints and show differing perspectives on this. This helps you to bring criticality into your writing. Again, This will automatically lead you to consider equality and human rights and you are likely to want to introduce one or two topics from taught sessions in your writing. However, you must ensure you do not repeat yourself and anything you have written in part 1. Therefore, although this may lead you to consider these areas, if there are areas that are relevant that you have not discussed then it is good practice to note their value but to go on to explore other relevant concepts. These topics will be dependent on the point you want to make within your discussion. This will be supported from the reading you explore in the taught sessions but also from your own research and findings.
When exploring your own reading make sure you use authentic and reliable sources. The library is a good source and there is support available to help you with your searches. You are likely to use websites for some information. However, these are not always reliable. They are often writing to a specific audience and therefore will often offer a skewed perspective. Therefore, it is important that you consider this information carefully and critique it in relation to its purpose. We will discuss this during our sessions for further clarity.
Conclusion (Approx. 250 words) You should summarise the key parts you have written about here and make links to the introductory paragraph. Do not introduce any new literature or examples here. Consider the ‘so what’ of the discussion you have had so far. Draw together the key points and remind the reader of the key arguments.

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