Research one of the books listed above to learn more about it and to learn more about how it shapes the creatures identity.
In Volume II of Frankenstein the Creature finds three books that contribute to his education: Miltons Paradise Lost, Plutarchs Lives (also sometimes called Parallel Lives), and Goethes The Sorrows of Young Werther. Two other books that Shelley references are Volneys Ruins of Empires (which unfortunately it is difficult to find quality information about), and also implicitly is one written by her mother, Wollstonecrafts Vindication of the Rights of Woman.Research one of the books listed above to learn more about it and to learn more about how it shapes the creatures identity. You can read exerpts (or the whole thing, of course!) from the source you choose, they are all available for free on Use quotations from Frankenstein to support your argument, as well as quotations and paraphrasing from your research sources (primary and secondary). Your paper should be 1000-1300 words long.You will need 3 outside sources (besides Frankenstein) in your essay. For example, if you decide to read parts of the primary source, then you will need 2 more secondary sources. Once source must be an article from a library database. You will need to enter your library barcode number, located on the back of your BMCC ID card if you are accessing the databases from home.Again, primary sources are available online at secondary sources, one source must come from a Library Databases. You can find a full list of English literature databases here: I recommend Literary Reference Center (EBSCO),and JStor. Another one you can use is Literature Resource Center (Gale).You may be prompted to enter your library barcode number, located on the back of your BMCC ID card.While you are welcome to consult popular sources for background information, you should CITE only academic sources in the paper. That includes:The primary sourcesArticles found on databases through the libraryArticles or websites from museums and libraries (e.g. The British Library, The Library of Congress, The British Museum, etc.)Articles published on academic websites (.edu)Other articles that explicitly indicate they have been peer reviewed by scholars (here is a good one, for example: is the instruction from my professor.I would like for you to complete the Proposal and Annotated Bibliography Form below, according to the research paper attached.Please let me know if you have any questions.